Tuesday, 3 April 2007

France rush to leave Ealing reeling at damn tram sham

I notice the French have a set a new speed record for trains on a traditional track of 357mph between Paris and, well, somewhere else in France.
But fear not, noble Brits, proud Londoners, for Ken is pressing ahead with his plan for a tram all along the 207/607 bus route in West London at the bargain cost of £648 million for installation plus £48 million per year in running costs not covered by fares, partly due to the £1.2 billion over 30 years to pay back the borrowed finance to take on the project, despite local strong local opposition in all 3 boroughs affected by the scheme, particularly by those who will have main road traffic redirected down their currently relatively quiet residential streets.
I think these trams will probably travel at close to 400mph.
There was a tram on this very route until 1904 when it was improved to a trolleybus which in turn was superseded by the 607 bus.

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