Monday, 22 January 2007

Oh deer.

On the tube today, on the way to take part in an epic and victorious snooker encounter with Gutsy (about which you can read an entertaining, if mildly biased, account on, I noticed that the man seated opposite me had antlers.
This usurped the rather surprising, and no doubt hastily printed, sign at Hanger Lane station declaring "Caution - Wet Grafitti" as the biggest curiousity of my journey.
It was not a Centaur, or close relation, not wishing to mislead, as the antlers were no longer joined to their original host, but were thoroughly bubblewrapped and taking up most of the space between the two rows of seats. Not sure what the recommended way of packaging antlers is, but I noticed that bubblewrap is not a particularly good choice and there were many sharp protuberences, as I found with a sharp stabbing pain in my shin just after the large bearded old gent rose to attempt to leave the tube balancing alternately on his walking stick and his antlers, and skittling passengers on both sides.

1 comment:

mister_guts said...

Gosh, antlers, you're right I didn't guess. Was he going to a stag party?