Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Fantasy Monarchs

In case of a plague, nuclear disaster or Prince Philip finally flipping and going on a rampaging murder spree, I've checked to see who we may be left with as monarch. Here are some of my personal favourites with their current position in the line of succession.

6. Queen Eugenie
21. King Xan
29. King Cassius
40. Queen Zenouska
53. Queen Tallulah
55. King Maximilian
104. King Dimitri
121. King Boris
162. King Pius
168. Queen Xenia

Not forgetting of course, you may notice at number 483, King Philip, who must have picked up something from his wife in the last 55 years.

Also, here are some near misses from the past ... these people reached the number 1 spot, but for one reason or another never became the monarch. With one misplaced arrow/bullet/poisoned apple we could have had:

Queen Matilda - became heir in 1120
King Eustace - 1135
King Arthur - 1189
King Alphonso - 1274
King Roger - 1382
King Humphrey - 1435
King Arthur II - 1486
Queen Frances - 1558
Queen Sophia - 1702
King Ernest - 1837

1 comment:

Tet said...

My vote goes to #192: Queen Madeleine.